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UK energy GHG intensity down 69% since 1990

The greenhouse gas intensity of the UK energy supply industry has fallen by 69% between 1990 and 2018 driven by increased renewables capacity, according to preliminary data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

GHG intensity, calculated by dividing the level of emissions by gross value added, for the whole economy fell by two-thirds in the period, ONS said.

In 2018, GHG emissions intensity for the UK was around 0.23 thousand tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent per £ million of GVA, down from 0.67 in 1990.

However, this was the same level recorded in the previous year.

But, ONS said, only Austria, France, Luxembourg and Sweden have lower GHG intensity than the UK in Europe.

Energy emissions have dropped by 56% since 1990, but the sector is still the largest emitter of GHG emissions in the country, just ahead of manufacturing and transport, ONS said.

The energy sector emitted over 96 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent in 2018, down from more than 217 million tonnes in 1990, ONS said.



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