This new 3x3 foot wide bioreactor uses algae to capture as much carbon dioxide as an acre of trees
Construction work fast-tracked at new vaccine centre in Harwell, Oxfordshire
Incinerating Recyclables
Nearly half of global coal plants will be unprofitable this year
Record Levels In Renewable Energy Capacity
Working from Home - For or Against?
Supply Concerns For Biomass Plants Caused By Virus
This small island chain is leading the way on hydrogen power.
Air pollution falls as UK goes into Coronavirus lockdown
Wales Are Planning To Plant A National Forest That Will Span the Length and Breadth of the Country
UK’s electricity industry preparing for COVID-19 Impact
Biffa to halve emissions and quadruple plastics recycling under new strategy
Global Power Sector CO2 Emissions Decline By Record-Breaking amount
Storing Energy Without Batteries
What would happen if the world reacted to climate change like it’s reacting to the coronavirus?
Coronavirus '#toiletpapercollapse' having a MASSIVE effect on Sewers and Treatment works!
Coronavirus hospital ward staffed by robots running on 5G opens in Wuhan to protect medics
Improper Waste Removal
London pioneers first ‘virtual power station’
Carbon emissions fall as electricity producers move away from coal